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Devoted to Paper Industry Advocacy and Legacy

David Wise of WestRock Shares Career Insights



Devotion can be a daunting word. Whether committing to a school, a person or even a trip, dedicating to seeing something through is a big deal.

以大卫·怀斯为例,他是南卡罗来纳州佛罗伦萨韦斯特罗克公司的振动分析师. 在过去的10年里,他一直担任国家指导委员会主席 & 制浆造纸工人资源委员会东南地区主任.

PPRC is a grassroots organization made up of U.S. 支持推动经济增长政策的林产品行业工人, 可持续纤维供应和以科学为基础的环保实践.

对大卫来说,把时间和精力投入到这个行业是一个很容易的决定. 正如大多数故事所说,他的父母年纪越来越大,需要有人照顾他们. The available jobs in the area were limited, 但大卫知道在当地的造纸厂会有可观的收益和令人满意的工作.

"I started out on the service crew, and I went to the paper machine, and I didn't really like being in production that much," Wise said. "I've always been maintenance oriented, 我有机会去维修,提高我的技能. Now, I'm a pipe fitter, welder and machinist."

While he's held many positions throughout his career, 他最突出的成就将是与PPRC合作.

"Working with PPRC is my proudest accomplishment. " Wise said.

“我看到了电子竞技赌注的软件作为一个团队所取得的很多成就. 电子竞技赌注的软件的指导委员会真的很努力,一起工作很好,以确保组织继续蓬勃发展.

每年,PPRC都会来到国会山,强调制造业就业的重要性. David believes that when he educates policymakers, 他在帮助讲述厂里和家里每个人的故事.

"We're just here to speak from the heart. 告诉他们,他们(在国会山)做的事情会影响电子竞技赌注的软件。”怀斯解释道. "And that passion goes out to them, and they see it. Now that's the best thing you can ever get."

Other proud accomplishments for David? 将接力棒传给他的儿子和希望分享行业成功的下一代PPRC领导人.

"I'm proud to have my son come to work in the industry. 知道电子竞技赌注的软件有一个代代相传的产业让我感觉很好," Wise shared. “电子竞技赌注的软件在PPRC有第三代和第四代造纸工人. 他们的曾祖父,他们的祖父,他们的父亲,然后他们."

大卫的梦想是聚集其他想要保持行业多样化和可持续发展的人. 以及那些想要进一步推动创新和发展的人.

While he isn’t retiring from the industry, 大卫已经把中华人民共和国全国指导委员会主席的指挥棒传了下来. 同样来自WestRock的Matthew Hall已经准备好接替David的位置.

十大菠菜软件要感谢David Wise多年的服务,以及他对这个行业的奉献.

Thank you, David!


Sustaining the Future with Forest Management

对丹尼斯·温伯格来说,对纸和木制品行业的热爱流淌在她的血液里. 她的父亲、两个祖父和她的三个叔叔也在这个行业工作.

Dr. Alissa Campbell Shaw Headshot


As a leading producer of pulp, 国际纸业(IP)正在帮助解决时期贫困问题, 这个问题影响着全球5亿妇女和女孩. In collaboration with employees and industry partners, IP正在捐赠数以千计的经期护理包,以增强妇女的权能,改善生活.

Photo of Regina Gray from Procter & Gamble

Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in the Paper Industry

Procter & Gamble’s Senior Vice President, Product Supply-Family Care, Regina Gray强调了技能和员工的多样性如何有助于提升纸张和木制品行业的公司.

The American Forest & Paper Association (十大菠菜软件) serves to advance U.S. 纸张和木制品制造商通过基于事实的公共政策和市场倡导. The forest products industry is circular by nature. 十大菠菜软件成员公司利用可再生和可回收的资源生产基本产品, 生产可再生生物能源,并致力于通过行业的可持续发展倡议不断改进更好的实践,更美好的地球2030:可持续的产品,可持续的未来. 林产品工业约占美国经济总量的5%.S. manufacturing GDP, 每年生产价值约3500亿美元的产品,拥有约925名员工,000 people. 该行业每年的工资总额约为650亿美元,是43个州十大制造业雇主之一. Visit 十大菠菜软件 online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper