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Embracing Sustainable Tissue Production

Procter & Gamble’s Certified Forester Shares Insights

可持续实践是造纸行业的首要任务. 从纤维和水的使用到温室气体排放的减少.


电子竞技赌注的软件深入研究了该行业是如何接受可持续生产的,并深入了解了一家公司是如何, Procter & Gamble, approaches it.

How Are Toilet Paper and Paper Towels Made?


十大菠菜软件 members adhere to sustainable fiber procurement principles. 采购是电子竞技赌注的软件的成员如何获得他们需要的木材来制造人们依赖的产品.

In 2020, 十大菠菜软件 members procured 99.2% of the total wood fiber that was used to manufacture products through a certified fiber sourcing program.


  • Ultra-softness
  • Absorbency
  • Strength
  • Recycled content
  • Budget

Photo: Procter & Gamble

Chris Reeves, Director and Certified Forester at Procter & Gamble (P&G),解释了木浆如何变成面巾纸、卫生纸或纸巾.

“纤维与水混合,然后将混合物倒在传送带上形成薄片,” he said. “Once dried, the sheet is rolled into a large roll, 然后转换成你熟悉的小卷.”


Tissue products are made from renewable resources. The fiber used to manufacture these products comes from 有管理的工作森林,树木在连续的循环中被重新种植.

可持续的森林管理对我国森林的未来至关重要. Healthy, managed forests support biodiversity while protecting forestland from disease, insect infestations, invasive species, and wildfires.

Reeves gave insight into how P&G helps ensure forests are protected.

“P&G只从负责任管理的森林中采购木浆,这些森林必须经过100%的第三方认证,并且在采伐后需要重新造林. For our family care products like toilet paper, two trees are regrown for every tree used,” Reeves explained. “We are committed to respecting the rights of Indigenous peoples and protecting biodiversity.”

P&G还超越了供应链,与植树节基金会合作,在2020年至2025年期间种植100万棵树. “这有助于在遭受野火等自然灾害破坏的地区为森林补充提供资金,” he said.

Some AF&议员们还使用再生纸制作卫生纸和纸巾. In fact, nearly 90% of U.S. tissue manufacturers use recycled paper to make new products. The way P&G使用的回收纤维是在他们的产品包裹的纸芯中.

How Are Tissue Products Helping Promote Sustainable Forests?

十大菠菜软件 members source trees from working forests, 其中大多数是私人拥有的,已经存在了几代人. Responsible stewardship is crucial to the current health and future of a working forest.

Landowners, foresters, engineers, scientists, biologists, 采伐管理者和更多的人共同努力,通过长期规划来维护这些森林. That includes planning harvests and planting seedlings to continue the cycle.


“Working forests are managed in a thoughtful, scientific way that mimics nature and builds resiliency,” Reeves said. 林务人员使用管理策略,帮助最大限度地提高树木储存碳的能力, and reduce the risk of wildfires and bug infestations.”

How is the Paper Industry Leading on Sustainable Forestry?

As a condition of membership, 十大菠菜软件成员致力于可持续森林管理,并从负责任管理的森林采购木材.

In 2020, 十大菠菜软件 members procured 99.通过认证的纤维采购计划,用于制造产品的森林木材纤维总量的2%.

A managed forest
2030 Goal
Advance More Resilient U.S. Forests

十大菠菜软件 has a new 2030 sustainability goal to advance more resilient U.S. forests. It’s part of our 更好的实践,更美好的地球2030:可持续的产品,可持续的未来 initiative. We’re doing this through:

  • 支持保护和修复项目和倡议
  • 参与伙伴关系并投资于研究、外联和教育
  • Promoting sustainable forest management practices
  • 承诺在负责任的采购方面提高供应链的透明度.

Reeves shared one of the ways P&G is working toward the industry’s 2030 goal.

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"At P&G, 电子竞技赌注的软件正在不断增加经第三方组织(如森林管理委员会™(FSC))认证的工作森林的面积。.

为此,电子竞技赌注的软件直接与供应商及其供应链合作,让小土地所有者获得认证, sponsoring group certificates through FSC, 参与联盟和项目,传播意识,减少认证的障碍," Reeves said.

As part of Better Practices, Better Planet 2030, 十大菠菜软件成员将继续承诺通过认证采购木材纤维.

Explore More Facts About Sustainability and Tissue Products

The American Forest & Paper Association (十大菠菜软件) serves to advance U.S. 纸张和木制品制造商通过基于事实的公共政策和市场倡导. The forest products industry is circular by nature. 十大菠菜软件成员公司利用可再生和可回收的资源生产基本产品, 生产可再生生物能源,并致力于通过行业的可持续发展倡议不断改进更好的实践,更美好的地球2030:可持续的产品,可持续的未来. 林产品工业约占美国经济总量的5%.S. manufacturing GDP, 每年生产价值约3500亿美元的产品,拥有约925名员工,000 people. 该行业每年的工资总额约为650亿美元,是43个州十大制造业雇主之一. Visit 十大菠菜软件 online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper